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Madnawati Public School,
chirag purohit (guest)
13 years ago:
Munda Baptist Church,
william bohannon (guest)
13 years ago:
also i would like to buy 8 pounds of marble ore from the palace also i would like to know how much it would cost and if they would store the amounts for i to get to of the amounts of of also titanium ore,coal ore,flint ore,slate ore ,garnet ore ,jade ore,sun stone ore,rubey ore ,saphire ore and to have them stored for my ability to buy also i would like for three 8 pounds of silver ore for to have also the proper system also i would like to have the organics that make penacilie antibiotic,plastic,ruber,steroide,acides,greek fire,and three 40 pounds of coal also i would like to be able to have an ability to also have the metals and silver pay the amount also to explain to the monk for the form to be to do through out the seasons also to describe to the monk for the for to provide sainatation and warmth on training the servants also i would like for one to be made to an soilder of the third male child of the first ruler of the black jungle 1st palace also to add for none of what would cloat my eyes and i would like for he to have three sabers made for the art also shaped to the third century of by argrculture
Munda Baptist Church,
william bohannon (guest)
13 years ago:
munda babtist church
Iwould like to have an loan from you that is to need attenion and for it to pay you back for doing for I would like to have you buy 15 clean males from the palace family india also ores of metals and an larg property also to ask for an ability to have extra added on to of the amount of distance also i would like for to have an pound of silver ore bought from the royal family also i would like for to have an proper form made to do the work of the ore like buda monastery in china also i would like for an monk type building on how to do the work to keep the ore and to make from ore the amouonts also i would like for you to build an proper form for i to b able to do of all of this for i
i will want t have the loan and the things made to pay the amount back as well as the clean food and to add extra land an day also by each to make 38 pounds on the form to also like making the long sword alsoof this i would like also to use an monk is there some also i may want for weomen buys later that are clean and vergins also i would like for the ability to have the stuff build to neet clean also i would ike for three square miles and an road im also not sure i would like for to have my own trained into proper servants also like the buda china monastery also i would like for to use an monk are there an ability to do the loan then to convert you to of so i may be able to use an spirit for to do of proper clean rule for alll function also to make an version of my self by he for i i would like to know all of my done and atempted cobat arts and sex arts also even if i were not awake for them also i would like to know all of the things i have done of my full past and of my asleep of my past also i would ike to know all of the wrlds colleges and there full teachings also i would like to know an 40 mile radius of around for my travelings also i would like for the spirit version of my self to know my location and my future 8 years fully also i would like for to have an ability for you to ask the monk to make this for i even if you dont have the ability to do of the loans for i also i would like for you to do of also i wuld like for 19 spirit verion of this also i would like for also to add on for i to know my own imagination and for it to be like myself without the dage with the education. Also for each to do 10 38 pounds a day if the arent very built also for the work to be requested to have done an day also if the servants well have the ability to do over the amount i but also to also do each day through the seasons to make theres highe numbers alsoo to cart the metal to trade to gold to the proper amount also i would like for to be able to buy 13 by 13 square miles over the season to next to also i would like for to be able to think without an lost of my self im late starter also i would like to be able to also have an clean farm and proper work to it to be for I also to buy them 7 monk type robes and apieces also to do the spirit enchantment in an convertion if i wouldnt get of to have one do the work
Madnawati Public School,
Soumya ranjan panda (guest)
13 years ago:
I m realy mising my frends , teachers n my school .
Gangadhar Meher College (Autonomous) Campus,
Niharika sahoo (guest)
13 years ago:
I'm very proud to be a student of this college ...It's really a unforgettable moment for me .. I'm really very missing my old days (B.SC IST) .....and also my lovely classmate .....
Shaolin Kung-fu Wushu Associations,
Jagannath youth Associati (guest)
13 years ago:
This is a great gift to the youth of sambalpur for building their fitness and health.Thanks from:JAGANNATH YOUTH ASSOCIATION,BISHALKHINDA,SAMBALPUR.
Newton College Of +2 Science ,
Manas khadia (guest)
13 years ago:
Thought of the day happiness is not a metter of event; It dependent upen the tides of the mind.
Maa Samleshwari Temple,
subash meher (guest)
13 years ago:
maa samaleswari is a goddes,who is the center of all religion.
Guru Nanak Public School,
baldish chawla (guest)
13 years ago:
m d epic terrorist of dis skull....i had wore some of special stuffz dere..we remember d (sunder cantin) out dere..n (ganesh mudi wala)...we've offered...(SAFAL GUTKA) to our (p.t sir) playin' (JAYADA}...out in d field...we remember our (BIJWALI MEM)...
we had d toilet..n u will b knowin'..dat d technicians was (MANISH)..
atlast we r proud of our skul...
Gangadhar Meher College (Autonomous) Campus,
Prakash Dang (guest)
13 years ago:
G.M AUTO COLLEGE is the biggest n a supreme college of odisha. I'm as a GENERAL SECRETARY 2011-2012 want 2 say now this college has lost its charm due 2 the neglation of principal & all supremo of sambalpur.
Gangadhar Meher College (Autonomous) Campus,
Prakash Dang (guest)
13 years ago:
G.M AUTO COLLEGE is the biggest n a supreme college of odisha. I'm as a GENERAL SECRETARY 2011-2012 want 2 say now this college has lost its charm due 2 the neglation of principal & all supremo sambalpur.
Newton College Of +2 Science ,
Roshan kumar pandey (guest)
13 years ago:
nice collage.......!
i wanna join this collage........!
Shaolin Kung-fu Wushu Associations,
S K BERIHA (guest)
13 years ago:
Omitafa subash sir
Newton College Of +2 Science ,
13 years ago:
this is the best +2 science college of weastern orissa and my aim is to a part of this.
Soumya Prakash Pramanik (guest)
13 years ago:
It is a place where anybody can get peace and definite blessings.I am posting this comment as because I got everything form there itself.I am very much agree with Mr.Sudeep Mohanty.This is one of my favourite place in the world.
Saraswati Shishu Mandir,
jagynaseni sahu.class-5 (guest)
13 years ago:
What is her marck in class-4
paade ka ghar,
paade (guest)
13 years ago:
ye paade ka ghar hai...
aman home,
aman (guest)
13 years ago:
this is my home
Gangadhar Meher College (Autonomous) Campus,
GAJAPATI PADHANStudent (guest)
13 years ago:
I am proud to be a student of this college for 2 years.Because no doubt GM COLLEGE, SBP was one of the best reputed college in western odisha.In this college i enjoyed a lot..... Hope my friend must be remebering all good days..
Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Science, Dhankauda, Sambalpur,
sagar sahoo (guest)
13 years ago:
Sambalpur recent comments: